Big Day In ®
Big Day In is an innovative method for facilitating transformative social learning.
Learn. Enjoy. Connect. Inspire. Grow.
How Big Day In works…
Socialise and educate. Educate and socialise.
Together. Balanced. Integrated.
Big Day In is a six-step process-orientated learning framework designed to support you in hosting social, educative experiences with small groups of your friends, families, community, colleagues, or clients.
Big Day In is more than a social occasion, like a dinner or barbeque, it also brings educational value.
More than talk about their favourite topics, people activate and share their passion at a Big Day In.
A great learning and growth opportunity is created in a social setting.
Big Day In is more than traditional learning, like in a classroom or office, it brings social and personal value.
Big Day In is participatory, it’s equalising, equitable, and it’s inclusive.
Every passion is heard and every voice is valued where a suitable, safe, and supporting environment is key.
All important.
Big Day In creates a social space where people come together to smile, share, reflect, and grow.
It’s a place to celebrate open hearts and minds and individual passion in education.
People have fun but they also teach and do and learn. It’s a balance of social and education. Education and social.
Serious. Feel good. Fun.
People get to know what is important. They create new connections or strengthen existing common threads with others and themselves.
Sometimes Big Day In opens doors to new adventures.
It’s a dynamic day.
Big Day In is a facilitated, experiential method or process of creativity, fun, communication, designed for reflective insight. Think of it as a way inside to better understanding and appreciating the uniqueness of individuals and communities. People come together. Grow intelligent connections. Friends, families, teams, colleagues come together. All can be adaptive and responsive in their environment. It’s about how you see the world and how others see the world.
Local. Global. Communities grow.
Big Day In supports the United Nations Sustainable Goals and in particular…
Number Four Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong opportunities for all.
We are exploring ways to partner with others…
So that we can best utilise Big Day In to help achieve the aims of the Global Education Coalition that are related to the 17 UN Sustainable Goals.
Big Day In Pedagogy
Simple. Powerful. Theory.
Big Day In is a dynamic pedagogy that has been created to provide a positive way to promote personal and group transformation through socio-education processes. The pedagogy creates a space where people learn in a safe and supported space that encourages imagination and creativity.
The structure and processes of Big Day In are a mix of elements drawn from various aspects of education theories including experiential learning, peer-learning, action learning, group processes, reflective practice, constructivism, humanism, and more. Such a synthesis means that Big Day In becomes eclectic in bringing together individuals’ ideas and thematic interpretations held together by the guiding framework to create a freeing and unique experience for each person, in the context of both as an individual and a member of a group or community.
That’s the aim of Big Day In.
Big Day In effective learning priorities are adapted from the effective learning strategies identified in The Learning Pyramid.
Teaching others and practice by doing are highly prioritised in Big Day In pedagogy.
That’s why all participants lead a session and all sessions are activity-based.
Session leaders teach others and participants practice by doing.
Everyone experiences teaching others and practice by doing at a Big Day In.
For many people, this type of participation is also challenging.
That’s why Big Day In is memorable.
Big Day In is Big on having fun while learning.
Day is a metaphorical time-frame chosen for learning,
In is a focus on the inner and outer journey of learning from the Big Day In experience.
People from all walks of life benefit from being part of a Big Day In, where that be as a participant or host, or as a friend, colleague, teammate, manager, leader or educator.
It could be you!
Could you host a Big Day In?
Little Big Day In
Not quite ready for hosting Big Day In?
Try a little version of Big Day In.
A taste of what is to come.
We created your Little Big Day In hosting guide.
Donate $9.95 to support women in regional, rural, and remote Australia.
And we will support you with a 30 minute 1:1 session to get started.
Contact us. Do it. Today.