Big Day In ®

Social education for everyone.

Big Day In is an innovative method for facilitating transformative learning.

Life is an adventure. Choose yours.

Mini Big Day In

Curious. Brave. Busy.

Keen to find out more?

Ready to join in?

Only have an hour or so?

Book in for Mini Big Day In.

Mini Big Day In
Big Day In Connecting Threads
BDI BHAGS Dec 2021

What is Mini Big Day In?

Mini Big Day In is a short, sharp, fast introduction to experience the main features of our usual Big Day In.

Mostly each time is for about an hour. Tight schedule.

Indoor. Outdoor. Room to move.

If its lunchtime then bring easy lunch for eating while on your feet.

People are encouraged but not obliged to lead as the number of sessions is low (4 to 5) and the time of each is super-short (5 minutes!).

Here is your challenge.

Think of how you could get your message across (as an activity) in a short time. FAST.

Hint. Visualisation is a handy hack for impact.

Contact your host with any questions. Then volunteer to lead one of the sessions.

Step up. Take the challenge.

Make the most of the opportunity that presents itself.

There is always time for the usual welcome and the essential reflective session to complete each Mini Big Day In.

Check in often with how you feel throughout the whole event. Important. Consider what you like, what you might not like as much, and what you can do to create a better experience for yourself and for others too.

What activity would you create if you were invited to a full-on Big Day In?

How can you take what you learn from this introductory experience at Mini BDI and apply it to hosting your own Big Day In?

Become an affiliated Big Day In host. Ask us how.


Join us in this MINI Big Day In video below. Have fun. Learn more.
Canva People Walking Beside Building pink flowers
Big Day In socialise educate together
Big Day In active pedagogy

What do you love to do?

What’s your passion?

Would you like to share that?

Then Big Day In is for you.

You’ve heard about Big Day In. Sounds interesting. You want to find out more. You think that, perhaps, you might quite like the idea of hosting your own Big Day In but you have no idea yet if that is possible. Or if you are brave enough to grab the opportunity when it presents itself right there in front of you. You are short of time though…

You have done the right thing. Taken action. You are in the right place. Checking out this website. Finding out more. Understanding how it all works and how Big Day In can be good for you and others too.

Smile. Share. Think. Grow.

Let’s live and learn. Together.

Help others. Make a difference.

Change the world. Your way.

Life is an adventure. Let’s play. Big.

Host Big Day In

 Is helping others to grow important to you?

Do you enjoy being with others while you all discover more about what each of you enjoys doing?

Are you someone who loves to gather people with purpose?

Create a sense of connection, of community?

Then hosting a Big Day In is for you.

You are a leader.

We’ve shaped the process of learning so that you and others can create the content.

Smart. Intelligent. Easy!

Big Day In can be a day or half or two days or more.

Six to eight people works well or numbers can vary.

You can meet up face-to-face or in the virtual world.

Topics are limited only by your imagination.

It’s up to you.

You decide.

Big Day In hosting options

We love that Big Day In can be adapted to suit various scenarios.

You are curious about Big Day In.

Mini Big Day In is for you.

You know about Big Day In.

Check out Little Big Day In and the Clarity Game.

Do you live in the country? Rural or regional?

What about an Epic adventure or a quieter Retreat?

Perhaps discover your spirit house?

Try Big Day In Online!

You can host all of these.

And if you are serious about leading others…

Check out Big Day In Leadership program.

There’s something here for everyone.

Which will you choose?

For your birthday?


To evaluate a project?


To create a weekly neighbourhood get-together?


Feel what resonates.

Choose your adventure.

Little Big Day In

You spoke. We listened.

Little Big Day is just like Big Day In only it’s little.


A taste of what might be possible.

Find out more.

Big Day In Leadership

Our signature program.

How to be your best you to lead others to be their best self.

Fulfill your life doing what you love to do.

Dream. Plan. Activate.


Make a difference in this world.

Lead from the heart.

Leadership for life.

The Clarity Game

Take the challenge.

Do you want to know if you make a difference?

Evaluate your teaching impact.


Connect. Clarity. Confidence.


Cherie said networking is essential for business and takes practice to achieve success.  She taught us through role-play, ways to develop instant rapport and connection with colleagues and clients. This would be a perfect activity for Big Day In. At my next business meetup, I smiled and made eye contact with a new group of potential clients and I was instantly included. Thank you, Cherie. MALIA

Flower art

I went to a flower-arranging workshop with my daughter. It was fun and I was hooked! So when we talked about Big Day In, I was excited that I could share what I learnt about flower art. We could get flowers and greenery from my friend's garden, people bring pots. I take everyone through the steps I knew and voila everyone would create just the best displays. I was chuffed with the thought that I could help others create. ELLA

Building Teams

I am a professional facilitator. I hosted a Big Day In for corporate team building. It was a challenge for me to step back and allow the participants to be totally in control of their sessions, without judging their performance to be good or bad, and just breathe and enjoy the experience of being a participant. I learnt a lot about them and I surprisingly learnt a lot about me too. GENEVIEVE

Dad Jokes

Big Day In is for blokes too. Justin was at a bit of a loss as to what he might do in a session. Then he said, "Aha, I have it!" One of his favourite things to do was to tell Dad jokes, funny ones were good but the best ones were when his kids would say "Oh, Dad". That response was what he loved the most. So he brought along his best Dad jokes and everyone took to the floor and shared either his jokes or their own. Everyone had a great time. It sure was a fun session. STEVE


I ride horses. None of my friends do. I knew that. So in my session I chose to (safely) introduce my horse to my friends. It was funny. Duke, my horse snorted just as my friend Kate came to give him a pat. "Holy moly" Kate said "That was the scariest thing I have ever done.", and then congratulated herself with "How brave am I?!" She still talks about her time with Duke to this day. ANNA


My friend Josie is a scientist... and Josie also loves yoga. She loves it so much that she began her training to be a yoga teacher. So at our Big Day In she led us through a session of yoga. I had never done yoga before. I enjoyed it so much, I do yoga now, I love it, and am seriously thinking about being a yoga teacher someday soon. CARMEL


One of the strengths of hosting a Big Day In is that each event finishes with a Reflective session. I believe that reflection is necessary on the path of true transformational learning. It just is... How it's done is each person's choice - short or long, straightforward or creative, together or as individuals. Such freedom in the session is another strength of the pedagogy that I agree with when considering how I could grow corporate organisations. MARGIE

Time for Tea

How delightful!

We had our own tea tasting ceremony. And in the loveliest tea set ever. We tasted six different teas, complete with cleansing the palate with water in-between. We wrote down a word to describe each tea and gave them a rating. Then we ranked them for our favourite. It was interesting that no two people ranked the teas in the same order, and there were more than three favourites. JI


We are here to help

Be part of a changing paradigm about how people learn. Rethink education with the benefits of a social lens. Focus on people’s passion first and let that guide their learning in a proven socio-education model such as Big Day In. Help people find their purpose, find their way in life, and how they can contribute to helping others. Encourage creativity and innovation in a safe, supportive and collaborative environment where people do their best with what they have.

Be resourceful. Make a difference.

Facilitate genuine leadership.

Be a social educator.

Big Day In adventures Inc.
Smile. Be positive. Think the best.
 Big Day In adventures Inc.

Big Day In adventures is a not-for-profit incorporated community association.

Registration Number IA58839

Our aim is to promote and foster personal and community growth and development through socialising education to increase human and social capital and capacity worldwide.

24000 smiles in 2024