Big Day In ®

Big Day In is an innovative method for facilitating transformative social learning.

Learn. Enjoy. Connect. Inspire. Grow.

Little Big Day In

Simple. Easy. Feel good. Fun.
You spoke. We listened.

Build your work teams. Connect and communicate. 

You love the idea of hosting your Big Day In…

but it feels just a little too big right now…

so then Little Big Day In is for you.

We made it easier for you to intelligently connect with others.

Little Big Day In is similar in many ways to Big Day In.

It’s still all about…

Smile. Share. Reflect. Grow.

Ah… but Little Big Day In is … well… littler.

It’s shorter, more like a few hours than a typical full-on day.

It’s simpler to prepare, activate, and followup.

There are just seven easy steps.

Little Big Day In is just like a mini-Big Day In.

What does this all mean?

It helps you to line up all your ducks in a row.

Align your stars.

Just as you want life to be.

Sounds good?

Join the movement to create a better world.

Then Little Big Day In is for you.

It starts here.

You can host your Little Big Day In now.

Come and say hello.

Find out how.

We are here to help.

Little Big Day In still has a host, session leaders, and participants.

However, the host takes on a greater role in leading Little sessions.

This means that being part of the group prioritises real human connections.

Participants are encouraged to lead a session if they choose but they are not obliged to do so.

This is a big difference to what happens at Big Day In where all participants are session leaders.

Shorter. Faster. Simpler.

Little Big Day In is still about being activity-centred and hosted in a suitable, safe, and supporting environment.

Similar. Still powerful.


Smiling and sharing. Sharing and smiling.

Fun and learning. Learning and fun.

Grow your networks. Grow your community.

Lovely. Clever.

Big Day In active pedagogy

Host your Little Big Day In

 Hosting your Little is a great way to get started if helping others to grow important to you.

It’s just like Big Day In only littler.

Simpler. Easier.

A mini-Big Day In.

Little lets you gather others, enjoy being with them, and discover more about what they like to do.

It’s time to host your Little Big Day In.

Just start.

We’ve simplified the process of learning even more so that you can create the content.

Smart. Intelligent. Easy!

Little is usually for just a few hours.

Try it with four people. Try it with a dozen friends. 

It’s up to you.

Learn more. Read the hosting guide.

Adapt to suit. Be flexible.

What’s best?

You decide.

It’s your life. It’s your adventure.

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Smile. Be positive. Think the best.
 Big Day In adventures Inc.

Big Day In adventures is a not-for-profit incorporated community association.

Registration Number IA58839

Our aim is to promote and foster personal and community growth and development through socialising education to increase human and social capital and capacity worldwide.

We support connecting women in rural and remote regions worldwide.