Big Day In ®
Big Day In is an innovative method for facilitating transformative social learning.
Learn. Enjoy. Connect. Inspire. Grow.
Download the Little Big Day In Hosting Guide. Join our mailing list. Then you can keep up to date with the latest news and information about Big Day In events and happenings in your local community or from around the world.
Be part of a global community.
Together. Collaborate. Think global ecosystem.
Learn. Live. Life.
Be a maker of change.
Do it your way.
Contact us to keep up to date with the latest news and information about Big Day In adventures Inc.
Become a member.
If you volunteer to host or co-host your community Big Day In then our help to host is free for volunteers. We appreciate your talent and willingness to give to others. If you host as a professional and financially benefit from hosting Big Day In then you would be expected to contribute a percentage of that income to our not-for-profit Big Day In adventures Inc. These contributions mean that we can continue helping others grow with Big Day In. If you want us to host on your behalf, your cost in 2021 is $997. If you are excited about learning more with us about teaching and facilitating, your cost in 2021 is $997. However, we do not want a lack of finances to be considered a deterrent so we are actively working on exploring alternative currencies and options around hosting or co-hosting Big Day In for mutual benefit.
Let’s talk about what is possible.
You. Me. Us.
Smart. Intelligent. Clever.
If our why feels like your why and you have relevant knowledge or skills that you would like to contribute to furthering Big Day In then please contact us.
Education. Social. Business. Finance. Systems.
People. Purpose. Place. Space.
Land. Sea. Sky.
Your contributions help to further the reach of Big Day In to communities from grassroots to global so that more people will benefit and grow from a Big Day In experience.
Our communities. Our world.
For now. For always.
Give. Help others. Feel good.
Altruistic. Humanitarian.
Philanthropy in action.
If cash is your currency, we are working on it.
We aim to install a link here for easy funds transfer.
From you to us.
Your donation or sponsorship or pledge will enable us to have the resources that are needed to help others.
Sponsors can nominate which group or groups will benefit from a Big Day In experience.
Passion. Support.
Host Accreditation
For those of you who want more…
We are working on it.
We aim to create a professionally recognised accreditation system
based on the existing “socialising education” structure of Big Day In.
Keep in touch.
Authentic Humanity
Hosting Big Day In calls on articulating ways of being, living, and actioning in local and global communities.
Big Day In BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)
Is to explore the question “What are the common characteristics of authentic humanity that underpin Big Day In pedagogy and philosophy?”.
Who? What? Why? When? How?
Culture. Religion. Indigenous. Spiritual.
Morals. Ethics. Values.
Space. Place.
Knowledge. Experience.
Community. Environment. Ecosystem. Sustainability. Regeneration.
Passion. People. Planet.
If you have thoughts on these questions and more, please contact us to continue the conversation on this topic.