Big Day In ®
Big Day In is an innovative method for facilitating transformative social learning.
Learn. Enjoy. Connect. Inspire. Grow.
spirit house
your home of spiritual intelligence
love nature love people love community
love big day in
life is an ongoing journey of adventure and discovery. there are many ways to achieve what you want in life. decide where you want to go and how you are going to get there. dream big. plan big. take big action.
big day in
follow a way on your path where you meet up with others who have come from a different place and perhaps are heading in a different direction right now. spend some quality time with each other. maybe they will appreciate your choices in life and you appreciate theirs. perhaps they may remember something about you and your journey that means they vary their path, get a little sidetracked, or totally change how they find their future. you could make a positive impact on someone’s life.
is this for you?
spirit house is an ideal big day in theme for those who are on a life path towards discovering their authentic humanness.
connect with nature
connect with self
connect with others
are you not sure about all this and looking for a place to begin?
how about big day in spirit house with the theme of connecting with nature. discover how you and others can nurture yourselves in mother nature. create activities to connect with our earth. land. water. sea. sky.
finding your authentic self is about getting to know the real you whereas authentic humanness is about self-identifying your human qualities or characteristics that are prioritised in life to enable communities to grow. its about realising that being human is a core quality of every person on our planet. its our spirit, our higher guide, our god that brings us together as one.
find ways to connect authentically
gather people
envision community spirit
seek authentic humanness
live your agape
live your gaia
discover your house of spirit
your spiritual intelligence
find your spiritual self
find your path forward in connecting globally with the theme of spirit house. decide why this is important to you and what you are passionate about on a global scale. envisage an activity that shouts your message to the world. take action. consider who you would like to share your message with whether that be people close by or in other countries.
think, plan and prepare
host your big day in
host your little big day in
smile share reflect grow
what does finding spirit mean to you?
and more…
bring them together in ceremony, circle and celebration
go deep
call on your innate knowledge
find your indigenous knowledge within
together create holistic knowledge
big day in spirit house